
The personal pages of Wolfgang Petritsch.

Wolfgang Petritsch is the President of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs and President of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation.

A retired career diplomat, Wolfgang Petritsch was the EU's Special Envoy for Kosovo (1998-1999), EU chief negotiator at the Kosovo peace talks in Rambouillet and Paris (1999), and then High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina (1999-2002).

He served as the Austrian ambassador to the UN in Geneva (2002-2008) and to the OECD in Paris (2008-2013), and was the Joseph A. Schumpeter Fellow at Harvard University (2013-2014).

RTK Live - April 8, 2024
Petritsch: Marrëveshja Kurti – Vuçiq ka validitet ndërkombëtar
See all outlets here)

Danas - March 24, 2024
Volfgang Petrič za Danas: Rambuje je bila poslednja prilika da Kosovo ostane u granicama Srbije

ORF 1 Radio - March 18, 2024
Lehren aus dem Balkankrieg fuer die Ukraine (Radio)

Slovenski inštitut na Dunaju - December 6, 2023

OXUS TV - December 14, 2023 (Video
Sondergespräch mit Wolfgang Petritsch, Präsident des ÖIIP (Video)

ORF 1 Radio - December 4, 2023 (German)
Auf der Suche nach einer neuen österreichischen Sicherheitsstrategie (click to listen on streaming page)

Kleine Zeitung - December 2, 2023
Wie die SPÖ das Thema Sicherheit besetzen will

ORF 1 Radio - November 28, 2023 (German)
Auf der Suche nach einer neuen österreichischen Sicherheitsstrategie (click to listen on streaming page)

Voice of America - November 23, 2023 (Albanian)
Petritsch: Druhem se përparimi në dialogun Kosovë-Serbi nuk do të jetë i shpejtë

Voice of America - November 23, 2023 (Serbian)
Volfgang Petrič: Ne očekujem brz napredak dijaloga Kosova i Srbije

ORF - September 25, 2023
Zeit im Bild 2

Rotfunk (Renner Institute) - August 25, 2023
Gespräch: Die Friedensverhandlungen von Rambouillet - mit Wolfgang Petritsch (Podcast)

OSLOBOĐENJE - July 15, 2023
Prošlost i budućnost jednog grada Knjiga

N1 - May 9, 2023
Petritsch tells N1 – BiH can't go on if High Rep will make all decisions

Kosovo Online - March 31, 2023
Petritsch: Kurti "softened" his position on the CSM; elections without the Serbs have no legitimacy

Petrič: Kurti “smekšao” stav o ZSO, izbori bez Srba nemaju legitimitet

Petriç: Kurti “zbut” qëndrimin rreth BKS, zgjedhjet pa sërbët nuk kanë legjitimitet

In the Media -
Latest News

Latest Videos:

Slovenski inštitut na Dunaju - December 6, 2023

An Assessment of Current Political Issues in Europe
A Fireside Chat With Ambassador Wolfgang Petritsch

October 24, 2023 - UC Berkeley


Bruno Kreisky Workshop in Minneapolis


Sarajevo Singular Plural

Sarajevo Singular Plural. Contributions in Honour of Zdravko Grebo offers a collection of contributions – essays as well as art and photography portfolios – focusing on Sarajevo as a “multiplex city”.

The book screens how “being with” – at one and the same time co-existence, exposure to each other and hybridisation – is translated into the permanent metamorphosis of a city bonding its past and its future. Sarajevo’s recent past contains tragedies, suffering and failures of humanity as well as much unrealised hope and potential. The art and photography portfolios attempt in particular to capture this in delicate and refined ways.

Sarajevo’s urban space is scrutinised from a diversity of standpoints combining approaches inspired by architecture, urbanism, literature, art, anthropology, history, philosophy, social sciences and politics. Sarajevo Singular Plural views the city as ceaselessly active and perpetually changing; it presupposes a multidimensional and collaborative system composed of highly reactive projects connecting a wide range of “drivers for change”.


Unser Digital-Autoritäres Jahrhundert

Wie gelingt die Neuorientierung von Nationalstaaten in der Globalisierung?


Die Grundpfeiler unserer bisherigen Weltordnung sind ins Wanken geraten: Wir erleben Postdemokratie, das Wiedererstarken autoritärer Kräfte, die Ablösung des Liberalismus als bestimmende Leitidee der westlichen Welt. Bürgerkrieg, Terror, Propaganda und Cyberangriffe ersetzen heute zwischenstaatliche Kriege. Der autoritären Versuchung erliegen weltweit immer mehr Länder, der Aufstieg Chinas zeigt überdeutlich, dass der Kapitalismus die Demokratie nicht zwingend braucht. Der erfahrene Diplomat und UN-Sonderbotschafter Wolfgang Petritsch gibt Einblick in weltpolitische Szenarien und skizziert das Bild unserer kommenden Weltordnung durchaus zuversichtlich. Die Zukunft ist gestaltbar, auch unsere Enkelkinder könnten in Frieden und Wohlstand leben – wenn wir rechtzeitig handeln.